Viúvas do Bitcho

Blog com informações sobre as viúvas do Novo (El Bitcho)

quinta-feira, janeiro 16, 2014

Mais detalhes sobre o Bitch[o]coin

O giga-investidor Bitcho acaba de publicar os detalhes da nova cripto-moeda, totalmente inovadora em relação ao obsoleto Bitcoin.

1) Cada Bitch[o]coin valerá 23 reais. O valor originalmente estimado (230 reais, com base em profundas considerações econômicas - vide o final do post anterior) é um pouco grande para outras transações menores como camisinhas, lubrificantes, dildos e ursinhos de pelúcia para presentear marafonas.

2) A dificuldade em gerar moedas não aumenta com o tempo, criando assim inflação keynesiana e agradando economistas respeitadíssimos como Paul Krugman e Guido Mantega. 

3) A infra-estrutura de transações é totalmente distribuída e baseada no Twitter. Cada vez que alguém minerar uma nova moeda ou transferí-la para outro usuário (e.g. quando pagar uma marafona), basta alegar isto no Twitter usando o tag #bitchocoin.

4) O incentivo deste esquema revolucionário é publicar os nomes Twitter das pervas, para que fique fácil localizá-las. O serviço Bitch[o]coin obsoleta de quebra todos os sites tipo Guia GP e assemelhados. Basta procurar por #bitchocoin para achar onde gastar :)

4) Os demais usuários podem obter as transações no Twitter a qualquer momento, pesquisando pelo tag #bitchocoin e verificar gasto duplo de moedas, bem como a validade de moedas novas.

5) Sendo fiscalizada pela komunidade de software livre, que também deverá criar scripts-robozinhos automatizados de verificação do Twitter, a moeda é 123% segura.

5) A "mineração" das moedas é feita pelo seguinte script (instale [A] se necessário):

#!/usr/bin/env python

import random, scrypt

difficulty = 2
seed = int(random.random() * 231010231010232310231023102380001023102310236661023)

def str2hex(s):
return "".join([ ("%02x" % ord(c)) for c in s ])

def check23(s):
for i in xrange(0, difficulty):
if ord(s[i]) != 0x23:
return False
return True

while True:
coin = 'bitchocoin%d' % seed
h = scrypt.hash('novo23', coin)
print coin

if check23(h):
print 'Coin ID: %s' % coin
print 'Announce your new coin with tag #bitchocoin at Twitter. Example:'
print 'Just mined %s, it\'s mine! #bitchocoin' % coin

seed += 1

6) A validade de uma moeda pode ser verificada pelo seguinte script:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import random, scrypt, sys

difficulty = 2

def check23(s):
for i in xrange(0, difficulty):
if ord(s[i]) != 0x23:
return False
return True

coin = sys.argv[1]

test = scrypt.hash('novo23', coin)

if not check23(test):
print "False coin!!!111"

print "Coin is legitimate!"

Os fontes dos dois aplicativos podem ser encontrados em

7) Outros scripts que e.g. varrem automaticamente o Twitter em busca do tag #bitchocoin e validam transações serão criados conforme a necessidade.




Bitch[o]coin Launched!!

Bitcho, the giga-investor, has just published the details of his new cryptocurrency: Bitch[o]coin, highly innovative in relationship to the utterly obsolete Bitcoin. Bitch[o]coin is expected to take over the market in 23 weeks.

Technical details:

1) Each Bitch[o]coin is worth R$ 23,00 (23 Brazilian Reais, roughly US$ 10). The original value of a coin (R$ 230, based on profound economic considerations -- see [1]) is too big for small transactions like lubbers, dildos and small gifts for the whores^Wgirlfriends.

2) The difficulty in coin generation shall never increase, thus generating inflation and pleasing respected economists (all Keynesian) like Paul Krugman and Brazil's President, Dilma Rousseff.

3) The transaction infra-structure is completely distributed, thanks to the fact that it is based on Twitter. Every time someone mines a new coin or transfers it to another user (e.g. when you pay a whore), just make it public by tweeting with #bitchocoin tag. (Be careful if you are in France and Sweden, however. Use a fake Twitter ID!)

4) The incentive of this revolutionary scheme is to make all whores' Twitter IDs public, so it becomes utterly easy to find a call girl near you, even in countries like France or Sweden. The Bitch[o]coin P2P structure obsoletes at once all dating sites. Just search for #bitchocoin at Twitter to find an outlet for your freshly mined coins!

5) Any participant can obtain the transactions at Twitter at any time, just by searching the tag #bitchocoin and audit double spendings, as well as checking validity of newly minted coins.

6) Being watched by the open-source community, the coin is 123% secure. The community is expected to create "robots" (small automated scripts) to sweep the Twitter and audit the transaction log.

7) Mining is carried by the followiing official script (install [2] if you don't have it in your system):

#!/usr/bin/env python

import random, scrypt

difficulty = 2
seed = int(random.random() * 231010231010232310231023102380001023102310236661023)

def str2hex(s):
return "".join([ ("%02x" % ord(c)) for c in s ])

def check23(s):
for i in xrange(0, difficulty):
if ord(s[i]) != 0x23:
return False
return True

while True:
coin = 'bitchocoin%d' % seed
h = scrypt.hash('novo23', coin)
print coin

if check23(h):
print 'Coin ID: %s' % coin
print 'Announce your new coin with tag #bitchocoin at Twitter. Example:'
print 'Just mined %s, it\'s mine! #bitchocoin' % coin

seed += 1

8) A coin's validity can be checked by the following script:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import random, scrypt, sys

difficulty = 2

def check23(s):
for i in xrange(0, difficulty):
if ord(s[i]) != 0x23:
return False
return True

coin = sys.argv[1]

test = scrypt.hash('novo23', coin)

if not check23(test):
print "False coin!!!111"

print "Coin is legitimate!"

Both sources can be found at

9) In time, other scripts e.g. automated scan & audit of #bitchocoin tweets will be developed, as needed.


[1] R$ 230 is the price of a "reasonable" prostitute in Brazil, including a tip, so she will be more friendly. Unfortunately, if you plan to come here for the World Cup, expect a price more like R$ 23000.



quarta-feira, janeiro 08, 2014

Concorrência desleal (colaborado pelo aCiDBaSe)